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Gennaro Carotenuto, PhD at Valencia University in Contemporary history, is permanent researcher with Associate Professor qualification at Macerata University, where he teaches Contemporary History and World History in the Department of Arts. His mayor research fields are Latin American history, human rights, oral history. In the last years he was research fellow in IHEAL-Paris3, City University of New York and, as teacher, the Bocconi University. As a journalists he worked for El País (Madrid), La Jornada (Mexico), Brecha (Montevideo) and La Stampa (Turin), and is a consolidate expert in international politics for broadcasts such as SkyTG24 or RAINews24, Radio1 RAI, Swiss national radio, Vatican Radio and, as author, at Radio3. In 2017 he deposed as a witness in the Rome Trial on Operation Condor that sentenced 24 South American officials to life in prison.

La storia creativa di Felipe González

Stavolta Don Felipe González, l’ex-presidente del consiglio socialista spagnolo, da vent’anni lobbista per tutte le multinazionali spagnole in America latina (da Repsol a Iberia, da Telefónica alla repellente Unión Fenosa), l’ha sparata troppo grossa: “Augusto Pinochet [in Cile] rispettava i… Continua